Hi everyone. I am currently ‘starring’ in some 10 second you tube videos called ‘everything is better at camp’. Basically I play a dorky office worker (a big stretch) who yearns to be back at summer camp and does all sorts of camp stuff around the office. They are to promote a jnf fundraiser called ‘one summer night’, helping out kids from Sderot, who have had thousands of rockets land on their town over the last few years (http://www.jnf.ca/toronto/onesummernight/info/index.html).

There are four up already;
#1 – ‘Roasted Marshmallows’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqrRxftG9ao
#2 – ‘Bunkmates’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXr9KqHGYWA
#3 – ‘Campfire’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHIQ5Gmo3E0
#4 – ‘Canoeing’: http://www.jnf.ca/toronto/onesummernight/info/camp4.html

There is one more to come: ‘Arts and Crafts’. I’ll post it when it’s up.